Serves: 0
1. Using the small round tube, pipe a row of white dots on the roof and attach small candies. Using the star tube, pipe stars around the edges of roof.
2. Using the star tube, attach licorice sticks or candy canes to corners of cottage.
3. Using the small round tube, outline shapes of door, windows, window boxes and shutters on cottage. Decorate window boxes and around the door with small candies.
4. For a wreath, slice a green gumdrop in half and attach one slice to center of door with a dot of icing. Using small round tube and red icing, pipe a small bow onto a piece of waxed paper and let dry. When set, attach to wreath with a dot of icing. The bow is easier to attach if it is made separately.
5. Using the star tube and red icing, pipe small flowers in window boxes.
This Decorating The Cottage recipe is from the Holiday Cookbook Cookbook. Download this Cookbook today.