My Joy and Tastebuds Can't Be Contained!
Well, we are finally in our new home, and I am in heaven!! My husband has commented more than once that he has not seen me this happy for a couple of years;). I've never had so much fun cooking and baking. I am no longer managing apartments, and I feel like a huge burden has been lifted. Not only that, but I have so much more room in my new kitchen- and it's absolutely wonderful!

I have space to actually pull out all my nice china from storage and room to fit all my baking pans and more counter space than I know what to do with! (Well, almost;) ). To celebrate being in our new home, I knew I needed to break in the oven, and I found such a delicious recipe to do so!
We know all things pumpkin are abounding this time of year- which is great because I love pumpkin;). Pumpkin cookies especially are just wonderful! And I don't know if there is a better flavor combination than pumpkin with caramel. Maybe it's because I am a HUGE caramel fan, but the cookies I made were pretty amazing if I do say so myself;). I had a few other people try them and they couldn't put them down so I think it's safe to say they are a keeper;) .

This recipe was also great because it was so easy! I only had a little time to come up with a dessert for a game night we were having with some friends, and this recipe was perfect because I was able to whip the cookies and frosting up in no time. The most tedious part was frosting the cookies- but that's only because I was taking them somewhere and wanted them to look nice. If you're just at home with your family, there is no shame in loading that frosting on. Your tastebuds will thank you;).
However I do have a little confession- I totally messed up on one of the batches of cookies- but they ended up being way better in my opinion! So the recipe instructs you to roll each ball of dough into about 2 inches, place it on the pan, and then gently flatten it with the palm of your hand. I remembered to do that the first couple times, but my last batch I was obviously in a hurry and totally spaced it. So at the end of 10 minutes I opened the oven and realized I still had a bunch of balls of semi-cooked dough! I went through and flattened each cookie ball and then baked them for another 4 minutes. I was worried that I had ruined these- but they were so much better than the first ones! They were soft and moist on the inside, and yet there was a very slight crispy chewiness on the outside and it was heaven!
I provided the original recipe for you, but trust me- you might want to make a note to adapt them to my not-so-intentional tweak because I really thought they were that much better that way. ;)
Do you have any favorite pairings with pumpkin? Have you tried a recipe with a variation of pumpkin and caramel? Share with us in the comments below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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