Simple Recipes That Everyone Should Know!

I recently realized just how often I take a good, basic recipe for granted. There are so many times I have been brainstorming ideas for dinner, and I think to myself "Ooo! Mom used to make that and it was super tasty, I’ll put it down!” But when it actually comes to cooking time- I realize I don’t have the recipe! Which is super frustrating when you’re trying to be a fantastic chef and feed everyone before they kill each other from low blood sugars... but I digress.

Granted, some of this could be avoided with a little planning ahead, and making sure you have all your recipes and ingredients before dinner time. But another way to avoid this is to have a list of basic recipes- ones that everyone should have!

Take something simple like scrambled eggs, for instance. The first time I went to make those, I thought I knew exactly what I was doing- until my eggs totally didn’t turn out the way my mom’s did, and I realized I had missed a few things:). Or biscuits and gravy- sure, I can always use the store bought refrigerated biscuit dough, but what about my mom’s delicious biscuits?? Or her pizza crust for that matter??? These are all things I have taken for granted until the moment of truth when I went to make something and realized I didn’t have the recipe!

Using Cook’n 12, creating a Basic Family Recipes cookbook would be INVALUABLE to any newlywed- or even some not-so-newlyweds;). I am planning on putting together a cookbook like this... As soon as I learn all of them myself;). (Hey, cut me some slack- I technically only just left the newlywed stage;) ).

Whether you are putting together a cookbook, or if you’re wondering if you’re missing any basic recipes, here is a list of recipes that everyone should have- whether it’s your mother’s favorite recipe that you grew up with or one that you found/made on your own;).

*A great pizza crust


*Your favorite birthday cake (and a chocolate cake if that’s not your favorite;) ).

*A basic loaf of bread!

*Banana bread

*A good homemade spaghetti sauce

*A good homemade pesto sauce!

*And of course, Alfredo;)

*Your favorite basic casserole dish

*A family favorite pasta dish

*Lasagna (red and white;) )

*Scrambled eggs

*How to hard boil an egg

*Your absolute favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe

*Toffee, fudge, and any other homemade candies you might have grown up with

*Sourdough, buttermilk, or German pancakes, depending on who raised you;). (I grew up on sourdough but my husband grew up on German pancakes;) ).

*And of course, French toast;)

*Garlic bread

*A basic brownie recipe

*How to cook a whole turkey or chicken

*Mashed potatoes

*How to cook a basic steak

*At least 3 kinds of pie: an apple pie (or any fruit pie), a meringue pie, and at least one other pie that’s too good to not share!

*and how to make whipped cream to go with that pie;)

*Fresh guacamole!

*Fresh salsa!!!!

*Homemade jam (And how to can!)

*How to brown ground beef, and how to make a good hamburger!

*How to cook rice (without a rice cooker;) )

*Homemade chili

*A basic potato salad (and you may as well throw baked beans while you’re at it;) ).

*At least one good green salad recipe

*A good pot roast recipe

*Your best sugar cookie recipe

*Your best frosting recipe;)

*How to slice, dice, or chop all your basic fruits and veggies!

*A favorite muffin recipe

*Fried rice, and a good chicken recipe to go with it

*How to steam/cook vegetables

*How to roast potatoes

*How to cook bacon on the stove and in the oven;)

*And of course, cinnamon rolls! ;)

Is there any of these you would take off? What else would you add? Share in the comments below!


    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author!

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