Food Associations: Why I Hate Cheese Pringles and Love Cauliflower Soup

I think we here at Cook’n can all agree- we all love food! But one thing I particularly love about food is how closely they can be associated with memories. Sometimes eating a particular food can just take you back to a certain time or place- it’s amazing how powerful it is!
I can’t help but think of my days in California when I see a bag of JellyBellys. My family lived in Northern California for 5 years, from the ages of 11-16, in my case. We did a lot of different things while there, but one of my favorite memories was visiting the JellyBelly factory. I LOVED watching the huge tubs of jelly beans, watching the workers stretch out the taffy, and the huge portrait of Ronald Reagan made completely from JellyBellys! We also went to the gift shop afterwards, and bought bags of Belly Flops- JellyBellys that were sold for cheaper because they were less than perfect- in coloring, size, but definitely not in taste! I still think of my Cali days when I eat JellyBellys.
I hate Cheese Pringles. I have nothing against cheese flavored chips, or even Pringles- but specifically, I cannot eat Cheese Pringles. I get extremely carsick, and as a child, I remember going on some kind of road trip, and my mom handed me an empty can of Cheese Pringles to throw up in. To this day, the smell of Cheese Pringles makes me sick. I guess there’s worse things that could be ruined ;).
I think of my days living in apartments with my husband in Orem when I think of Iceberg Drive Inn. We lived just a couple blocks away, and one of our favorite late night treats was crispy Iceberg fries and a big strawberry shake to dip them in. Ironically, they are building an Iceberg super close to where we live, and while we probably won’t visit as frequently as we did as newlyweds, we definitely can’t wait to reminisce a little and enjoy the occasional fry and strawberry shake. Personally, I think they have some of the best fries around!
Cauliflower soup is one of those random foods that make me think of my mom. Whenever I make cauliflower soup, I’m taken back to my childhood, watching my mom in the kitchen, listening to George Winston’s album December, with the house decked out for the fall/Halloween holiday. It’s not like my mom made cauliflower soup every night, but for some reason this particular recipe just makes me think of her. I love making it and thinking of her.
On a funnier note, are you familiar with the TV show Monk? My husband and I went through a patch where we really craved Arby’s; let’s be honest, I was probably pregnant at the time haha. We were binge watching Monk at the same time, and that was our go-to way to relax on a Friday night- picking up some Arby’s and watching Monk. Now, whenever we hear the theme song for Monk we immediately start craving Arby’s! Pavlov’s dog at work ;).
I’d love to hear about some of your memories! What foods bring up specific memories for you, good or bad? I’d love to hear them! Share with us below!
Camille Hoffmann
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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