5 Ways to Make Valentines Special For Kids
This year looks different than most, and I’m trying to be really intentional about making holidays feel extra special for my kids. With no school and no social activities going on, I went to Pinterest to look for ideas to help our family celebrate!

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- Make and deliver homemade Valentines. If there were ever a year to tackle a time consuming project, this may be it!
- Try a new recipe! Head over to Pinterest and search “valentine kid meal ideas” and you will have tons of meal options at your fingertips! I think this heart shaped pepperoni pizza is a fun one that would be a hit with my young kids!
- Jazz up daily meals. For example, just cut your peanut butter and jelly out in a heart shape. Easy to do, big impact for kids.
- Make fun cards and send to loved ones in the mail
- Gift your kids a meaningful book. Instead of dollar store toys that break in a minute, try choosing a heartfelt book for each person in your family and use it as part of the table decor for Valentines breakfast! This has been such a good tradition for my family, my kids always look forward to what I’ll choose for them and add to their collection.

- https://yourvegrecipe.com/recipe/cinderella--1504930744982x460114737013981200
- https://www.gluedtomycraftsblog.com/2017/01/thumbprint-valentines-day-cards-kid-craft.html
- https://www.adabofgluewilldo.com/heart-thumbprint-art/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_smartloop&utm_content=smartloop&utm_term=12276216
- https://meaningfulmama.com/peanut-butter-jelly-valentine-sandwiches.html
- https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/602193/a-valentine-for-uni-the-unicorn-by-amy-krouse-rosenthal-illustrated-by-brigette-barrager/9781984850225?ref=PRH8078BD739C&aid=35511&linkid=PRH8078BD739C
- https://overthebigmoon.com/kid-friendly-valentines-day-menu-ideas/
Stefanie Hathaway
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2016
Email the author! stefanie@dvo.com