15 Very Nice Things to Do For Yourself

I’ve been keeping a list around for many months now. I think it came from one of my favorite sites, Care2 (but don’t quote me ‘cuz I’m not sure). Anyway, it’s a list of very nice things to do.

You can do these alone or with someone, but do them NOW while we’ve got such nice weather to accommodate them. Here’s the list. See what you think; and don’t hesitate to add to it (then pass your ideas on!).

And by the way, current nice weather isn’t the only reason to do these things NOW. NOW is all we have for sure. Grab it while you can.

1. Spend at least 10 minutes in the morning eating breakfast—and not doing anything else. And if you can eat it outside, that’s even better.


Serve an appetizer that outshines the main event.

3. Eat more meals with your hands. Hot dogs, hamburgers, kabobs, corn on the cob, watermelon triangles…you get the idea. (Isn’t summer such a perfect time of year?)


Make your favorite homemade condiments. Homemade mustard, for instance, is divine! Another for instance: How about turning an overload of your garden-grown tomatoes into homemade ketchup or salsa?

5. Never throw away edible food. Dress it up, heat it up, eat it up. OR, give it away.


Turn popsicles into fruit-loaded slushies. The popsicles will keep your drink cool and deliver some extra flavor.

7. Preserve your favorite fruits of the season by making jams and jellies so you can enjoy them months down the line. And by the way, jams and jellies can be made all year. Why not marmalade this winter when oranges are in season?


Throw a dinner party or a lunch or a brunch, but do it outside. And why not make it picnic-style—dining on a blanket in the fresh air sounds fun, don’t you think?

9. Make lists of things you like. Maybe a list of your favorite serving pieces. A list of favorite entrees. A list of favorite desserts. A list of favorite center pieces. A list of favorite people…on and on it can go. Two of the benefits from such an exercise: 1) you are filled with gratitude over how blessed you are, and 2) this organizes you in a way, for the next gathering you put together.


When you have the time, grind your favorite spices so they're as fresh as possible. Then be sure to store them in airtight containers in a cool location.

11. Bake yourself a seriously delicious chocolate cake.


Contribute some baked goods to your neighborhood lemonade sale. The kiddies will die and go to heaven over your thoughtfulness.

13. Take walks after dinner. Not the “gotta get in some exercise!” kind of walks, but the more leisurely kind that allows you to actually hear the birds, smell the local aromas, and sense the evening breeze on your cheeks.

14. Keep fresh fruit in a bowl in your kitchen. And include an unusual fruit now and then. How about ugly fruit for starters?


Eat outside whenever you can. And don’t wait for football season to do a tailgate or trunk party. Do it NOW.

  •   www.quotesgram.com
  •   www.catoonchar.xyz
  •   www.care2.com
  •   www.eventtrender.com
  •   www.urbanvillagemovement.com
  •   www.seriouseats.com
  •   www.deliaonline.com
  •   www.noagendahomeschool.com
  •   www.pinterest.com

    Alice Osborne
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
    Email the author! alice@dvo.com

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