15 Ways Peaches Benefit Health, Plus a Super Recipe

Yippee, hurrah, and woohoo! It’s finally peach season! We’ve been waiting all year for two things: watermelon and peaches.

Today let’s talk peaches. Who doesn’t love a juicy, tasty peach? They’ve been grown for centuries. They were first cultivated in China where they are considered a symbol of immortality and friendship. At a fitting designation for such a superb fruit.

Medical researchers consider them a power-food (along with staples like apples and pears). Don’t you just wish they were available longer? Well, we’ll be glad for what we have. Anyway, take a look at all the ways this tastiest of fruits can benefit your health (as reported on www.care2.com):

1. Peaches are the perfect snack food for losing weight. A peach makes you feel full and keeps you from overeating. The bonus: one peach only contains about 35-50 calories and no fat!

2. Peaches fight obesity-related diabetes and cardiovascular disease. They’re rich in phytochemicals called phenols that act as antioxidants.


 Their vitamin content keeps the skin healthy. Vitamin A and C make peaches a great natural moisturizer; they’re often used in cosmetics. These vitamins can help regenerate skin tissue.

4. Peaches can reduce hair loss with its positive effect on the scalp.

5. Peaches are a healthy stress-reliever that helps reduce anxiety. Peaches are often referred to as the ‘Fruit of Calmness’ in Hungary.

6.  Peaches help prevent cancer because of their selenium, a mineral with antioxidant properties that may help protect cells from damage.

7. Peaches can help remove worms from the intestines.

8. Peaches have a diuretic effect which helps cleanse your kidneys and bladder.


Peaches can calm an upset stomach. (That sure beats Milk of Magnesia!)

10.  The compounds in stone fruits (i.e. peaches, nectarines, plums) help with “metabolic syndrome,” according to food scientists. They’ve discovered that phenolic compounds present in these fruits have anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties in different cell lines and may also reduce the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol which is associated with cardiovascular disease.”

11. Peaches have a diuretic and laxative effect so they relive the suffering from gout and rheumatism.

12. Peaches are thought to be an aphrodisiac.


Peach flowers have sedative properties. A remedy for restlessness includes boiling peach flowers in water along with some honey.

14.  Peaches have been proven to inhibit tumor growth activity. They have excellent antimicrobial and antioxidant activity according to research.

15. Peach tea is famous for being an effective kidney cleanser.

With all the science and nutrition established, how about that recipe? Peaches make some of the best smoothies in the world. This recipe incorporates tofu (coagulated soy milk) to make a drink so good it’s considered dessert at our house.


1 cup mango nectar (Kerns makes a good one)
2 (6-ounce) containers nonfat peach yogurt
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
2 cups frozen peaches
1/2 block soft silken tofu (Mori-Nu, for instance)
1 cup ice

Pour nectar into blender. Add all remaining ingredients. Blend on high for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until smooth.

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  •   www.care2.com
  •   www.joysofsmoothies.com
  •   www.healthylnb.com
  •   www.diynatural.com
  •   www.mzephotos.com
  •   www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com

    Alice Osborne
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
    Email the author! alice@dvo.com

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