Not A Morning Person? Me Either!

Have you ever had trouble dragging yourself out of bed in the morning and when you do finally manage to get up, you're groggy and still a little tired? Are you one of those people who can't deal with people or life until you've had your morning cup of coffee? Do people refer to you as Oscar the Grouch if you're woken up before you want to be? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are not alone, and this article is for you. If you happen to be one of those rare, perky morning people, pass this article onto someone who could use a morning boost. There are several ways to help ourselves wake up faster in the morning. Below is a list of 8 things you can do and eat to get a boost in the morning!

1.First things first, DON'T HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON! I know, it's asking a lot. But it's much easier for people to wake up and start the morning off right if they don't keep hitting snooze. This can be a struggle (trust me I know), so try placing your alarm out of arms reach. You'll have to get up to shut it off, and once you're up, why not just stay up?

2.Another great way to make yourself get up in the morning is by having light in your room. Light is a great way to wake up. It's like a shock to the system after being in the dark all night.

3.Now that you're out of your bed you can do some morning stretches, yoga, or go out for a quick jog. Exercising will help get rid of your grogginess, and it'll give you more energy the next day. What an added bonus.

4.Water, water, and more water. Our bodies need water. If you drink a glass of cold water when you first get up in the morning it will help wake you up. If you also drink a glass of water before going to bed you'll be able to get up in the morning. Taking a shower will also help wake you up. I personally love waking up and showering, it's refreshing and definitely wakes me up. If none of this works for you, you can always have someone throw some cold water on you, you're sure to wake up that way!

5.Don't drink coffee every morning! Our bodies get used to the caffeine in the coffee, and if you drink it day after day, the effects of the caffeine don't impact us as much. That's not to say you can't drink coffee, but drink it only when you were out later than normal or your sleeping pattern has been thrown off. Instead of coffee in the morning try eating an apple. Apples contain fructose, a natural sugar that can wake you up naturally and keep you going. The fructose moves slowly through your body and helps wake you up. The energy you receive from an apple won't make you crash like coffee does. Plus apples are full of carbohydrates and fiber, both of which we need. An apple a day keeps the doctor away and wakes us up!

6.Chocolate. Yep I said it; chocolate can be used to help give you a boost in the morning. Although this might be tempting to do on a daily basis, it's recommended that you don't. The caffeine in chocolate can give you that little jump start you need. Be sure to eat something that's good for you along with the chocolate so that you don't crash. You can eat a chocolate bar or make some yummy hot chocolate (try this if you aren't a coffee drinker), there are even ways of adding something healthy to the hot cocoa so you can justify drinking it!

7.Sometimes you just need to wake up in a pinch; in those cases you can use smelling salts. Police use them to wake up drunken people and in the old days to wake up people who had fainted. Be careful with the smelling salts though, they can cause damage to your sinuses and your brain if used too frequently.

8.Food. This is a given. If you eat in the morning, the energy from that will help wake you up. It's also been shown that if you smell something delicious cooking in the kitchen you're more likely to get up. You should try and eat things filled with vitamins and have a well rounded breakfast. One of the best things you can eat in the morning is whole grain foods. Be sure to eat a good breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day and it'll help you throughout your entire day!

Here are some foods that can give you an energy boost in the morning and throughout the day: almonds, quinoa, bananas, bran flakes, salmon, curry, coconut, lentils, eggs, citrus fruits, Greek yogurt, kale, and ginger tea.

Waking up can be one of the hardest things we do all day, but with these little tips and tricks hopefully getting up will be easier and you'll be able to enjoy the day!


    Whitney Saupan
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2013
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