Easy Steps To Take Towards Your Health Goals

Anyone else feel like they’re in a cookie coma after the holidays??

Worth it. But also, a good reminder that the food we eat makes a difference in how we feel.

While any time is a great time to start your health goals, January just seems like such a natural segue to healthier eating, doesn’t it?

But, I get it. No matter how much we might want to lose weight or be healthier, it’s a big task and can seem so daunting! Luckily, you don’t have to start big to see progress- baby steps can help you get closer to your goals, and they can seem much more manageable and doable! Here are a few simple ways you can start living a little healthier. None of these things are super complex or require a hired dietician or personal trainer- just small, simple things you can start doing now to see a difference!

  • Drink more water. You’ll feel fuller, have more energy, as well as a plethora of other benefits that drinking water provides! Invest in a good water bottle, and carry it with you everywhere!
  • Walk one mile per day. Or one hour a day. You decide the time or miles- but just commit to walking that many steps per day. Walking isn’t an intense exercise, but it has huge benefits!
  • Add in more vegetables. Maybe your goal is to have a vegetable with every meal. Maybe your goal is to have 5 servings of vegetables every day, whatever that looks like. Think about what will be doable for you!
  • Take some supplements. I’ve seen firsthand what a difference a few of the right supplements can make! Start with a basic all-in-one pill if you haven’t already, and then talk to your doctor to see what other supplements you might benefit from.
  • Add in more protein. Protein is a key part of weight loss, because it allows you to have long-term energy, stay fuller longer, and build/repair muscle so your body burns through the fat first. If sticking to a meal plan seems too daunting, start by upping your protein intake. Maybe have some egg whites with your toast instead of a second slice of bread. Have a protein bar for an afternoon snack. Snack on a handful of almonds instead of chips- think simple!
  • Say no to seconds. In 2018 I lost more than 30 pounds, and I lost half the weight just by portion control. Have one plate, and then don’t have any more (and don’t cheat by loading up your plate the first time around ;) ). If you really are still hungry, have some carrots or celery, or a low-fat string cheese for some added protein.
  • Eat 6 small meals instead of 3 big ones. One of the biggest culprits of messing up on a meal plan is by waiting too long to eat. It's hard to stick with any kind of meal plan or program when your blood sugars are crashing and you’re hangry! Make sure you’re eating a small snack or meal every 3 hours or so to keep your blood sugars level and your tummy happy!
What small tricks do you have for those who are striving to be healthier? Share your tips with us below!

  •   https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:How_to_achieve_your_weight_loss_goals.jpg

    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author! camille@dvo.com

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