Wild Greens in Olive Oil

Serves: 4

Use your imagination in creating this side dish. Use whatever greens you have on hand, or buy a spring mix.

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4 cups edible wild greens available during the season (or spring salad mix)
1 1/2 cups cannellini beans
extra virgin olive oil
a clove of garlic
1 large onion
sea salt


Cook the wild greens in boiling water for about 5 minutes, drain and squeeze well. Fry the garlic and onion in a pan with extra virgin olive oil. Mix the greens, salt and extra virgin olive oil together and stir well. Add the beans at the end to avoid them breaking apart. Finally, drizzle with raw extra virgin olive oil; ideally use a medium-fruity variety with a bit of bite to it, because this will work well with the greens.

Revised from Source: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cannellini%20beans

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