5 Day Meal Plan

    Rose Turnbow
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the chef! rose@dvo.com

DoveTailing Tips

Double the Irish Scone recipe. To half of the recipe, add 1 cup currents and 1 tablespoon orange zest. Cover and store in refrigerator until Meal 4. Pat into an 8” round. Cut into triangles and bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes or until golden. This will be your Irish Soda Bread for St. Patrick’s Day dinner.

DoveTailing Tips

Serve only half of this pound cake. Cube the remaining into bite-sized pieces (about 2" square). Use the cubes to make the Blarney Stones on Meal 4.

DoveTailing Tips

When cutting up the cabbage for today’s meal, shred an additional ½ head to use on the St. Paddy’s Irish Sandwich for Meal 5.

Slice and save leftover Corned Beef for Meal 5, St. Paddy’s Irish Sandwich.

Remove the Irish Scones from Meal 1. Pat into an 8” round. Cut into triangles and place on a baking pan. When you have 15 minutes left of the vegetables roasting, add the scones to the 425° oven and bake for the remaining 15 minutes or until golden. Ready made Irish Soda Bread!

Make the Blarney Stones from the cubed Pound Cake you made yesterday.

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