Cook'n is the best selling recipe organizer

Volume III
September 20, 2013

Weekly Home / Cook'n & Eat'n

What's Healthy and What's Not?

By Whitney Saupan

We live in a health conscious world. We obsess over how many calories we eat, what the new diet trends are, and how we can lose a couple of pounds. Don't get me wrong, health and eating healthy are important, but with so many "low-fat", "low-calorie" health foods out there, how can we tell what's actually healthy and what's not. It can get confusing so to help myself, and you, I've done some research and found five foods that seem healthy but aren't, and five foods that are thought to be unhealthy but are actually good for you.

Unhealthy "healthy" foods:

1. Trail Mix and Granola: People tend to think trail mix is a healthy snack alternative because it's full of nuts, dried fruit, and other healthy things. In reality there are some healthy mixes out there (those that use dark chocolate, nuts, and dried fruit), but most trail mixes consist of some sort of candy, yogurt covered fruits, and other sugary things. So it can be healthy but check what's in it before you buy it! As far as granola goes, it's tasty in yogurt and on top of ice cream, or by itself. But many different types of granola have a surprisingly large amount of calories per serving. And because it is so delicious it's hard to just eat a little bit of it.

2. Muffins: When you hear the word "bran" what do you think of? I used to think of healthy, and gross. I was wrong with one of those descriptions. Bran muffins are actually pretty tasty, and they are also healthy. But, when we buy them from coffee shops or delis, they size of the muffin makes them unhealthy. So, if you love this health food, buy a muffin and eat half for breakfast and half as a snack. It'll save you money and calories.

3. Smoothies: Smoothies are full of healthy fruits, so how can they be unhealthy? Again, it's a case of overindulgence. The fruit in the smoothies is good for you, but a lot of places add extra things like sherbet or yogurt which can add calories. Plus, most fruit smoothies are made with a lot of fruit juice which doesn't make you feel like you're full. So we tend to drink a smoothie to be healthy and just end up eating more later because we still feel hungry. We also tend to think that because it's a smoothie we can get a bigger size. That's incorrect.

4. Energy Bars: Energy bars could be considered to be glorified candy bars. Just because they look healthy and have somewhat healthier ingredients, doesn't mean they are better for us. Lots of the bars have high fructose corn syrup and are too high in saturated fat and too low in fiber to do us any good. Some bars have added nutrients like fiber, but other than that they aren't too different from a candy bar. If you want to snack on something try string cheese or an apple.

5. Sports and other Health Drinks: There are so many "healthy" drinks out there today, from vitamin water to weight loss shakes, how are we to know what is actually good for us and what isn't? Well stay away from artificially sweetened things, make sure that your drink only has a few ingredients and go for options that are sugar free. Water is always a great alternative!

Healthy "unhealthy" Foods:

1. Eggs: This food item has been described to be both healthy and unhealthy. The unhealthy part is the egg yolk, but after some research I found that the egg yolk gives you some good protein, unsaturated fat, and lots of vitamins. Don't go over-board and eat them for every meal, but having an egg for breakfast won't ruin your diet.

2. Bananas: I'm not sure why people think bananas are unhealthy, after all aren't most fruits healthy? It is true that there are more natural sugars in a banana than some other fruits, but medium banana only has a little over a hundred calories, is full of good things like fiber and vitamin C, and it elevates your mood!

3. Chocolate milk: I think when people think of chocolate they automatically assume that it's bad for them. Chocolate milk is full of carbs and protein, this makes it a great post workout drink. It helps replenish calcium and sodium to restore electrolyte balance. And it tastes great!

4. Potatoes: We all know that potatoes are full of carbohydrates and we've been told that carbs aren't that great for us. Potatoes are also full of good things like vitamins C, B-6, foliate, and fiber. But all things in moderation. Make sure your serving size is appropriate, that you aren't frying your potatoes (too often) in a lot of grease, and don't be afraid to enjoy your potatoes!

5. Pizza: You might be wondering to yourself how pizza could possibly be considered healthy, well here's the answer. Pizza has vegetables, dairy, carbohydrates and some fat, which you need. Of course fast food pizzas are probably not that great for you, but if you make a homemade pizza it can be pretty healthy. Use a whole-wheat crust, a little sauce, or hummus if you desire, top with sliced veggies and cheese and you're good to go!

With all of these healthy and unhealthy foods it's important to remember to read the nutritional facts before you eat something and eat everything in moderation!


Whitney Saupan
Weekly Newsletter Contributer since 2013

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