Why Arby’s Makes Me Think of Murder

You know how some restaurants have a special meaning to people? Sometimes people recommend places that maybe aren’t the best- but the nostalgia makes it something really special for them. Or certain restaurants bring up special memories every time you go. It’s so interesting how certain memories can be triggered just by eating (or even driving by!) a particular place!

JCW’s onion rings remind me of my days helping at a school for special needs children, Dan Peterson School. I spent many summer days there, assisting and adding experience for my Special Education degree. It happened to be down the street from one of my favorite burger places, JCW’s. They have THE BEST onion rings. As a 19 year old, I didn’t think twice about eating onion rings for lunch, and so it became my custom to swing by JCW’s on my lunch break and pick up some delicious onion rings. Now when I have onion rings from JCW’s, I have memories of trailer classrooms, notecards and reward systems, and feeling the sweet spirit that children with special needs bring.

Los Hermanos brings me back to my high school days. I had so many close friends that worked there- it was quite common to visit there on a Friday night to say hi to my friends, and grab an order of chips and salsa or empanadas while I was there. My high school sweetheart and I spent lots of time there! I actually don't think their food is the greatest. But we had so much fun!

Arby’s makes me think of the TV Show Monk, and early apartment days with my husband. With 2 young ones only 19 months apart, pregnant with number 3 and managing apartments with my husband in school, life was crazy and many times the only thing we had energy for was to cuddle on the couch after a long day and watch some of our favorite shows. We got on an Arby’s and Monk kick (probably because Arby’s was just a couple blocks away and we always got awesome coupons in the mail), and so now when I hear the theme song of Monk, I crave Arby’s sauce on a roast beef sandwich. And when I drive past an Arby’s, I think of an OCD detective solving unsolvable murders.

Mo Bettah’s kind of became the go-to meal for takeout when hanging out with my sister and brother-in-law. My sister is my best friend. And her husband is my husband’s best friend. So we hang out any time we can! We used to manage apartments together, and lived almost right next to each other, where our relationship really blossomed. We have spent many late nights together, and many times we pick up food and play games, and for whatever reason, Mo Bettah’s just seems to be the fallback. The couple of times I’ve eaten there without them, I can’t take a delicious bite of katsu chicken with cabbage and teriyaki sauce without feeling like maybe I’m cheating on my sister a little bit ;).

P.F. Chang’s definitely has a soft spot in my heart. I met my husband when I was 16, and over the next couple years we became really good friends- and maybe a little more ;). Our senior prom happened to fall on my 18th birthday, and I was thrilled to be going with my favorite person in the world! My high school sweetheart (and now husband!) made it the most magical day EVER. We hiked in the mountains, played games, ate at P.F. Chang’s for dinner, and danced the night away at prom.

Look at these BABIES! :)

He treated me like a princess, held my hand for the first time, helped me put on my shoes like I was a Cinderella princess, carried me to the car, slow danced in the parking lot and even planned ahead with my mom so that when I came home from the best date night ever, I had a bouquet of flowers waiting on my bed, along with a CD of piano songs he had written himself, including one dedicated to me- She (IWALU). Basically, he totally knew how to woo an 18 year old girl- and here we are, celebrating our 12 year marriage anniversary with 6 kids and very much still in love. So now P.F. Chang’s is one of my favorite places- because the Mongolian Beef is AMAZING, and because the 18 year old inside me still remembers all those twitterpated feelings of absolutely falling in love :).

I’d love to hear some of your favorite memories associated with restaurants. Which ones hold a special meaning to you? I’d love to hear your stories! Share with us in the comments below!

    Camille Hoffmann
    Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author! camille@dvo.com

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