How To Combat Seasonal Depression

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, for most people. Unfortunately, seasonal depression is a very real thing- and it can pounce as early as November and December, despite all the holiday festivities! Depression can be extremely debilitating. It’s hard on families and on the individual suffering- it’s a lose-lose all around!

Some cases are definitely more severe, and if you or a loved one are having thoughts of self-harm, definitely go see a doctor! However, if what you’re feeling is more of just the general blues, there are some ways to help combat it!

Exercise. This is absolutely critical for my personal mental health. I can maybe get by with 1 day, but if I go longer than 2 days, there is a noticeable dip in my mood. My husband will even ask me- “When is the last time you exercised?” because my happiness level is noticeably different. Even if it’s just walking on the treadmill, getting up and moving your body can do wonders for your mental health! Get up and move, whether it’s walking, jogging, lifting weights, dancing- get your heart rate up and move your body!

Eat a Balanced Diet. As much as I love my sweets, I do notice a difference when I’m eating nothing but junk, verus when I’m eating a nutritional, balanced diet. When you’re getting all your servings of fruit and vegetables, you’re getting some much needed nutrients, and helping your body function at its best capacity! This also includes drinking plenty of water to keep yourself well-hydrated.

Vitamin D. This is such an important nutrient, but can be so hard to get in the winter, when the sun is not out as long, and it’s colder so we’re spending more time indoors. On those rare warmer days, make sure to utilize that sunlight and talk a walk outside to get a nice dose of Vitamin D! If you’re really struggling, it might be a good idea to look into some Vitamin D supplements- at least for the winter months when it’s hard to get that sunlight! Some foods to eat that can also help include egg yolks, fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, and some mushrooms. But your best source is definitely sunlight!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Some studies have shown that these can actually be more effective than antidepressants, which is a huge deal! Omega-3s help our brain to function properly, because our nervous system is mainly comprised of fat- and it definitely needs to stay replenished! There are supplements available (make sure they include EPA and DHA), but you should also be sure to include in your diet foods that contain this essential nutrient, such as flaxseed, seafood, plant oil (like canola) and walnuts.

Laugh. This seems like an oxymoron, but when you’re depressed, you NEED to laugh! It might be harder, but it’s essential. Spend time with friends or family that make you laugh, watch a funny movie or comedy sketch, read funny memes- whatever makes you laugh, make sure you do it regularly! It’s ok to put the housework on hold for an evening if you really just need a good ol’ belly chuckle!

What are your tricks to combating seasonal depression?


    Camille Hoffmann
    Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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