You Can Literally Print Out These Nifty Kitchen Gadgets!

For our 4th of July BBQ, my sister brought a nifty little tool for cutting hot dogs- it slits them which creates more heat in the center when grilling and makes them particularly tasty! The tool was pretty neat by itself, but in my opinion what made it even cooler was the fact that it was given to her by someone who created it using a 3D printer!

I loved the ingenuity of this, and it made me wonder what else people have thought to print. Really, if you have access to a 3D printer, and you know someone who can create blueprints, there are endless possibilities of what you could create! And even without those resources, many libraries are starting to have 3D printing access, or many people are more than happy to put their skills to work!

You really could create anything in your imagination, but here are just some of the possibilities:

A taco holder, a funnel, an egg holder, a paper towel holder, towel or oven mitt hooks, a napkin holder, measuring spoons, measuring cups, a garlic press, whisks, customizable knife sheaths, bottle openers, bag clips, drain catchers, or wine glass holders, just to name a few. Here are a few more awesome ideas:

I love this idea! Lids are the worst to organize! I’m thinking this would be especially helpful with Tupperware lids! Customizable lid storage perfection!

What a great way to keep your sponge (or really anything you clean with) close enough to use without cluttering your counters or leaving it in the sink!

These egg separators are adorable! And they seem more effective to me than the spiral ones that just create a big mess!

What a brilliant use of a 3D printer! You can literally create any cookie cutter you need! I see myself going a little too overboard with this one….

For all you sushi lovers out here- you can make your own fun-shaped sushi with this unique sushi rolling tool! Probably a lot easier than just using your hands!

Like Play-doh, but for adults. Serve your butter in all kinds of cute and elegant ways with this cool tool!

This is actually brilliant. A cutlery card. Keep in your purse or in your wallet, and when on the go and in need of utensils, simply pop them out! You know you’ve found yourself in a situation where you were on the road and needed a fork or spoon and just couldn’t find one! This is perfection!

This is too cute. A hedgehog to hold all your toothpicks?? It’s adorable!

I love the fact that you can literally make anything to fit any space or size! This fridge space saver is great!

These dispensers are so clever! What an effective use of technology!

I love that you can just fold this up! Pull out your tablet, cook your awesome recipe from Cook’n, and then fold and put it away!!

Are you a one-trip kind of person? Then this tool just seems ESSENTIAL to me.

I seriously just love how creative people are! What would you print with your 3D printer if you could make anything? I’d love to hear your ideas below!


    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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