There Are a Few Rice Krispie Hacks You Need to Know

It is so fun to find a really helpful hack that went viral on TikTok. I have learned so many cool hacks in the kitchen from these little tips from TikTok and I wanted to share a really great one that I learned when making homemade Rice Krispie treat bars. 

Store-bought Rice Krispie Treats are really delicious, but like almost every other treat, the homemade version is always better and that is certainly the case with Rice Krispie Treats. There is only one downside--the sticky mess you get all over your hands and fingers as you press the bars into the pan. This is the case with any of these sticky bars--it feels like half the pan sticks to your fingers as you try to press them in. The secret is to use the butter wrapper you used in the recipe to press the bars into the pan. This little scrap of paper is essentially a buttered piece of parchment paper and is the perfect easy solution to this pesky, albeit tasty, problem.

And for fun, I wanted to share 5 fun Rice Krispie Treat Hacks. 

1. Try them grilled.
This idea came from a mother who promised her kids they were going to make S’mores only to realize that she used up the rest of the marshmallows the day before by making Rice Krispie Treats. On a whim she decided to throw a few squares on the grill and top them with shaved bits of chocolate bar. It was a hit! She said grilling it makes the outside even crispier and the inside a bit gooier. 

2. Peanut Butter Cocoa Puff Bars.
I have to admit that is the one I am most excited about because what is better than a treat with the classic PB and chocolate combo? Instead of Rice Krispies cereal, use Cocoa Puffs and mix with ½ cup peanut butter chips and your usual marshmallows and melted butter.

3. Trix (or Fruity Pebbles) Bars.
Once again, instead of Rice Krispies, use either Trix or Fruity Pebbles with the marshmallows and melted butter and you’ve got yourself a tasty “fruity” version of the classic.

4. S’Mores Bars. 
This is one of my favorite recipes to make with my kids that is fast and easy and everyone loves. Mix Golden Grahams cereal with marshmallows and butter. Wait until it cools down almost to room temperature and add in chocolate chips and marshmallows again. It should be cooled down enough that they won’t melt into the bars again. 

Do you have any other ways you like to tweak your favorite Rice Krispie Treats? Please feel free to share in the comments below.


    Mary Richardson
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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