Tricks for Your Next Picnic

Are you busy planning a picnic? If you’re not, you totally should be, because April 23 is National Picnic Day! Like we need another reason to want to get out in the beautiful spring weather? ;)

I have 3 young kids, and even if they were older- sometimes picnics are not always the easiest thing to put together. They can be messy and you have to plan ahead! But I’ve never regretted a picnic I’ve had with my kids. There’s something about enjoying each other’s company in the beautiful outdoors and enjoying some tasty food together- everyone comes home in a better mood ;).

But planning a picnic doesn’t have to stress you out- here are some hacks to make your next picnic excursion a little more enjoyable ;).

*Have a designated picnic blanket, and keep it in the car. Find something large, and easy to clean and keep it in your trunk so you’re always ready for a spur-of-the-moment picnic! If it’s beautiful weather but the ground is a little damp, just lay down a shower curtain underneath the blanket :). (This might be another helpful item to keep in the car!).

*Baby wipes are a must. I’ve had at least one kid in diapers for the past 5 ½ years, so baby wipes is just a staple I keep around. But they aren’t just handy for wiping little buns ;). Messy hands and faces, sudden spills, and dirt-covered hands grabbing for sandwiches would all be grateful for a baby wipe or two! If you don’t have kids in diapers, keep a pack of wipes in the back of your trunk with your blanket- you will never not need them, I promise ;).

*Keep it simple! Sometimes I want to plan this elaborate meal we can have on a picnic, with gourmet sandwiches and everyone’s favorite chips with fun drinks in cute containers, etc. And while that can definitely be fun, it’s totally not necessary!! I’ve literally packed nuts, multigrain chips and clementines and my kids never complained :). They are happy to be outside, and after running around they’ll eat anything! Just throw together whatever you have, even if it’s just a few snacks, and you’re good to go!

*Bugs are no bueno on picnics! To prevent ants crawling all over your mouth-watering sandwiches, sprinkle some Talcum powder around your blanket- supposedly they hate crawling over this stuff! (Or just keep things in bags/bowls;) ). Also, if you’re near a pavilion (or even a tree!) Hang up a few Ziploc bags filled with water. I don’t know the science behind it, but they totally help keep those pesky flies at bay!

*Location is a big deal. Since my kids are so young, I like to have picnics where I can lay our blanket down close by the park, ideally with a little shade, as well. But maybe you have an older group who would have more fun next to a fishing pond or creek, or a large field where you can set up a volleyball net or soccer game. The other thing to think about is crowd control- if you’re planning a picnic for the middle of Spring Break, you may want to avoid larger parks/recreation areas in central locations. You might have to make more of a drive, but you’ll be fighting way less traffic on the playground ;).

*And if all else fails, have a picnic in a box! ;) HAHA!

Any picnic wisdom you’d like to add? Share with us below!


    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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