Willy Wonka and The Most Fun Party Idea Ever!

My kids and I have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and we’re almost done! It’s such a fun book and definitely a classic, and I feel like we need to do a little something to celebrate finishing our first novel together. All good parties include food, right? And luckily there is no shortage to the fun you can have with a Willy Wonka style party! The whole book is centered around a candy factory, so just by having a few sweets laying around you’re getting into the Willy Wonka spirit- but of course, you can definitely get more creative as well!

Remember the lickable wallpaper? Well we might not be able to make actual lickable wallpaper- but we can get pretty close ;). Hang up a few strips of candy buttons to get the same feel; or if you’re artsy and feeling brave, boil a few sweets (one color at a time) and paint different fruits on glossy photo paper strips to really get the same feel. What kid wouldn’t go crazy for these?

Of course, you can’t have a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory party without some delicious chocolate right? You may not be able to create a chocolate waterfall per se, but how about a chocolate fountain? Everyone loves fondue, and watching a chocolate fountain of goodness is magical for any age ;). You could also be super creative and use a plastic tablecloth or paper to create a chocolate waterfall display- that ends in chocolate bars, of course!

Granted, you don’t need a chocolate waterfall to enjoy Wonka chocolate! With an artistic hand (or with some help from the internet ;) ), you can turn your favorite brand of chocolate bar into a Wonka bar!

I also love this cute idea that incorporates good eggs and bad eggs! You could turn it into an activity as well if you wanted to create a teaching moment. Give examples of scenarios or circumstances that kids might come across and discuss what a “good egg” would do vs a “bad egg”. Doesn’t hurt to get in a few good morals while having fun, right? ;)

Fizzy Lifting Drinks would be easy enough to re create with just regular soda! Sadly, your kids won’t be able to fly ;), but let them jump on the tramp afterwards if you have one to keep things fun and silly! (And be ready for lots of burps…)

It would also be fun to let kids get their own creative juices flowing by creating their own candy! In the novel, Willy Wonka creates so many unique treats- exploding candy, hair toffee, a lemonade swimming pool, it would be fun to let kids imagine their own sweet treats and either draw pictures of them or recreate them as best as you can with your own kitchen creativity ;). Even if they don’t turn out perfect, you’re sure to have fun!

And speaking of creativity, why not create your own version of the famous Whipple Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight? Even a chocolate bar smeared with marshmallow cream and caramel sounds pretty scrumptious to me :). But you can be as creative as you want! You could even set out a few ingredients (small chocolate bars, sprinkles, marshmallows, frosting, etc.) and let kids create their own version of a Whipple Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight!

I love literature, and I love food, and being able to combine the two is so much fun! What else would you do for a fun Charlie and the Chocolate Factory party? I’d love to hear your ideas!

  •   https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2014/feb/10/how-make-willy-wonka-lickable-wallpaper
  •   https://www.flickr.com/photos/76848838@N00/4899634727/in/photostream
  •   https://party-wagon.com/childrens-party-blog/2012/5/31/willy-wonka-charlie-and-the-chocolate-factory.html
  •   https://www.google.com.au/search?q=willy+wonka+cake&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=QPqnU_OcLciF8gW29YGIBg&sqi=2&ved=0CDEQ7Ak&biw=1024&bih=704#facrc=_&imgrc=sFcHXy-CL6a2LM%253A;tfbIKN4I6whJ3M;http%253A%252F%252Fcdn.cakecentral.com%252F5%252F5f%252F900x900px-LL-5fa2127c_gallery8747251327969209.jpeg;http%253A%252F%252Fcakecentral.com%252Fg%252Fi%252F2258570%252Frice-crispy-fondant-hat-willy-wonka-theme-birthday-cake%252F;900;675

    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author! camille@dvo.com

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