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Volume II
October 30, 2004

What's Poppin'
by Amy Hunt

           I know what you're thinking, "A newsletter about popcorn… how corny!" (I will try to keep the puns to a minimum.) Popcorn is more popular than I ever imagined.

          From doing a little research for this newsletter I came across some amazing facts. Did you know that Americans consume 17 billion quarts of popped popcorn annually? That comes out to be about 54 quarts per man, woman, and child.

Did you know that most of the popcorn consumed throughout the world is grown in the United States? Major popcorn producing states are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, and Ohio.

Did you know that October is National Popcorn Poppin' Month? So this month here at DVO, we salute POPCORN! And we're not talkin' about the microwave stuff.

Popcorn Facts

         * DVO welcomes your kitchen hints and cooking or nutrition questions! Email us and we'll post your hints and Q/A's in upcoming newsletters! *

What's Poppin'
Popcorn Facts
Versatility of Popcorn
Get to Poppin'
Celebrate National Popcorn Poppin' Month
Holiday Traditions

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